5  Data manipulation

In this chapter we will use some very useful dplyr functions to handle and manipulate data.

You can load the dplyr package directly, or load the entire tidy universe (tidyverse).

# library(tidyverse)

Using the same dataset as in R basics but with slightly differences1.

We will do the same operations but in a simplified way.

TRIPS = readRDS("data/TRIPSorigin.Rds")

Note that it is very important to understand the R basics, that’s why we started from there, even if the following functions will provide the same results.

You don’t need to know everything! And you don’t need to know by heart. The following functions are the ones you will probably use most of the time to handle data.

There are several ways to reach the same solution. Here we present only one of them.

5.1 Select variables

Have a look at your dataset. You can open using View(), look at the information at the “Environment” panel, or even print the same information using glimpse()


We will create a new dataset with Origin, Walk, Bike and Total. This time we will use the select() function.

TRIPS_new = select(TRIPS, Origin, Walk, Bike, Total) # the first argument is the dataset

The first argument, as usually in R, is the dataset, and the remaining ones are the columns to select.

With most of the dplyr functions you don’t need to refer to data$... you can simply type the variable names (and even without the "..."!). This makes coding in R simpler :)

You can also remove columns that you don’t need.

TRIPS_new = select(TRIPS_new, -Total) # dropping the Total column

5.1.1 Using pipes!

Now, let’s introduce pipes. Pipes are a rule as: “With this, do this.

This is useful to skip the first argument of the functions (usually the dataset to apply the function).

Applying a pipe to the select() function, we can write as:

TRIPS_new = TRIPS |> select(Origin, Walk, Bike, Total)

Two things to note:

  1. The pipe symbol can be written as |> or %>%. 2 To write it you may also use the ctrl+shift+m shortcut.

  2. After typing select( you can press tab and the list of available variables of that dataset will show up! Enter to select. With this you prevent typo errors.

5.2 Filter observations

You can filter observations based on a condition using the filter() function.

TRIPS2 = TRIPS[TRIPS$Total > 25000,] # using r-base, you cant forget the comma
TRIPS2 = TRIPS2 |> filter(Total > 25000) # using dplyr, it's easier

You can have other conditions inside the condition.

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    361    5918   17474   22457   33378  112186 
TRIPS3 = TRIPS |> filter(Total > median(Total)) 

Other filter conditions:

  • == equal, != different
  • < smaller, > greater, <= smaller or equal, >= greater or equal
  • & and, | or
  • is.na, !is.na is not NA
  • %in%, !%in% not in

5.3 Create new variables

You can also try again to create a variable of Car percentage using pipes! To create a new variable or change an existing one (overwriting), you can use the mutate() function.

TRIPS$Car_perc = TRIPS$Car/TRIPS$Total * 100 # using r-base

TRIPS = TRIPS |> mutate(Car_perc = Car/Total * 100) # using dplyr

5.4 Change data type

Data can be in different formats. For example, the variable Origin is a character, but we can convert it to a numeric variable.

[1] "character"
  mutate(Origin_num = as.integer(Origin)) # you can use as.numeric() as well
[1] "integer"

Most used data types are:

  • integer (int)
  • numeric (num)
  • character (chr)
  • logical (logical)
  • date (Date)
  • factor (factor)

5.4.1 Factors

Factors are useful to deal with categorical data. You can convert a character to a factor using as.factor(), and also use labels and levels for categorical ordinal data.

We can change the Lisbon variable to a factor, and Internal too.

  mutate(Lisbon_factor = factor(Lisbon, labels = c("No", "Yes")),
         Internal_factor = factor(Internal, labels = c("Inter", "Intra")))

But how do we know which levels come first? A simple way is to use table() or unique() functions.

unique(TRIPS$Lisbon) # this will show all the different values
[1] 0 1
table(TRIPS$Lisbon) # this will show the frequency of each value

  0   1 
188  48 

 No Yes 
188  48 

The first number to appear is the first level, and so on.

You can see the difference between using a continuous variable (in this case Lisbon` has 0 and 1) and a categorical variable (Lisbon_factor).

plot(TRIPS$Lisbon) # the values range between 0 and 1

plot(TRIPS$Lisbon_factor) # the values are categorical and labeled with Yes/No

5.5 Join data tables

When having relational tables - i.e. with a common identifier - it is useful to be able to join them in a very efficient way.

left_join is a function that joins two tables by a common column. The first table is the one that will be kept, and the second one will be joined to it. How left_join works:

A visual representation of the left join where every row in x appears in the output.Source: R for Data Science.

A visual representation of the left join where every row in x appears in the output.Source: R for Data Science.

Let’s join the municipalities to this table with a supporting table that includes all the relation between neighbourhoods and municipalities, and the respective names and codes.

Municipalities = readRDS("data/Municipalities_names.Rds")
# A tibble: 6 × 13
  Origin Total  Walk  Bike   Car PTransit Other Internal Lisbon Car_perc
  <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1 110501 35539 11325  1309 21446     1460     0        0      0     60.3
2 110501 47602  3502   416 37727     5519   437        1      0     79.3
3 110506 37183 12645    40 22379     2057    63        0      0     60.2
4 110506 42313  1418   163 37337     3285   106        1      0     88.2
5 110507 30725  9389  1481 19654      201     0        0      0     64.0
6 110507 54586  2630   168 44611     6963   215        1      0     81.7
# ℹ 3 more variables: Origin_num <int>, Lisbon_factor <fct>,
#   Internal_factor <fct>
    Mun_code Neighborhood_code        Municipality
113     1109            110913               Mafra
114     1114            111409 Vila Franca de Xira
115     1109            110918               Mafra
116     1109            110904               Mafra
117     1502            150202           Alcochete
118     1109            110911               Mafra
113                                         Santo Isidoro
114                                   Vila Franca de Xira
115 União das freguesias de Azueira e Sobral da Abelheira
116                                            Encarnação
117                                               Samouco
118                                             Milharado

We can see that we have a common variable: Origin in TRIPS and Neighborhood_code in Municipalities.

To join these two tables we need to specify the common variable in each table, using the by argument.

TRIPSjoin = TRIPS |> left_join(Municipalities, by = c("Origin" = "Neighborhood_code"))

If you prefer, you can mutate or rename a variable so both tables have the same name. When both tables have the same name, you don’t need to specify the by argument.

Municipalities = Municipalities |> rename(Origin = "Neighborhood_code") # change name
TRIPSjoin = TRIPS |> left_join(Municipalities) # automatic detects common variable

As you can see, both tables don’t need to be the same length. The left_join function will keep all the observations from the first table, and join the second table to it. If there is no match, the variables from the second table will be filled with NA.

5.6 group_by and summarize

We have a very large table with all the neighbourhoods and their respective municipalities. We want to know the total number of trips with origin in each municipality.

To make it easier to understand, let’s keep only the variables we need.

TRIPSredux = TRIPSjoin |> select(Origin, Municipality, Internal, Car, Total)
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  Origin Municipality Internal   Car Total
  <chr>  <chr>           <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 110501 Cascais             0 21446 35539
2 110501 Cascais             1 37727 47602
3 110506 Cascais             0 22379 37183
4 110506 Cascais             1 37337 42313
5 110507 Cascais             0 19654 30725
6 110507 Cascais             1 44611 54586

We can group this table by the Municipality variable and summarize the number of trips with origin in each municipality.

TRIPSsum = TRIPSredux |> 
  group_by(Municipality) |> # you won't notice any chagne with only this
  summarize(Total = sum(Total))
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  Municipality   Total
  <chr>          <dbl>
1 Alcochete      36789
2 Almada        289834
3 Amadora       344552
4 Barreiro      133658
5 Cascais       373579
6 Lisboa       1365111

We summed the total number of trips in each municipality.

If we want to group by more than one variable, we can add more group_by() functions.

TRIPSsum2 = TRIPSredux |> 
  group_by(Municipality, Internal) |> 
  summarize(Total = sum(Total),
            Car = sum(Car))
# A tibble: 6 × 4
# Groups:   Municipality [3]
  Municipality Internal  Total    Car
  <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Alcochete           0  16954   9839
2 Alcochete           1  19835  15632
3 Almada              0 105841  49012
4 Almada              1 183993 125091
5 Amadora             0 117727  33818
6 Amadora             1 226825 142386

We summed the total number of trips and car trips in each municipality, separated by inter and intra municipal trips.

It is a good practice to use the ungroup() function after the group_by() function. This will remove the grouping. If you don’t do this, the grouping will be kept and you may have unexpected results in the next time you use that dataset.

5.7 Arrange data

You can sort a dataset by one or more variables.

For instance, arrange() by Total trips, ascending or descending order.

TRIPS2 = TRIPSsum2 |> arrange(Total)
TRIPS2 = TRIPSsum2 |> arrange(-Total) # descending

TRIPS2 = TRIPSsum2 |> arrange(Municipality) # alphabetic

TRIPS4 = TRIPS |> arrange(Lisbon_factor, Total) # more than one variable

This is not the same as opening the view table and click on the arrows. When you do that, the order is not saved in the dataset. If you want to save the order, you need to use the arrange() function.

5.8 All together now!

This is the pipes magic. It takes the last result and applies the next function to it. “With this, do this.”. You can chain as many functions as you want.

TRIPS_pipes = TRIPS |> 
  select(Origin, Internal, Car, Total) |> 
  mutate(Origin_num = as.integer(Origin)) |> 
  mutate(Internal_factor = factor(Internal, labels = c("Inter", "Intra"))) |> 
  filter(Internal_factor == "Inter")|>
  left_join(Municipalities) |>
  group_by(Municipality) |>
  summarize(Total = sum(Total),
            Car = sum(Car),
            Car_perc = Car/Total * 100) |> 
  ungroup() |> 

With this code we will have a table with the total number of intercity trips, by municipality, with their names instead of codes, arranged by the percentage of car trips.

# A tibble: 18 × 4
   Municipality         Total    Car Car_perc
   <chr>                <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 Mafra                65811  46329     70.4
 2 Sesimbra             49370  31975     64.8
 3 Cascais             161194  96523     59.9
 4 Palmela              66428  39688     59.7
 5 Alcochete            16954   9839     58.0
 6 Setúbal             129059  70318     54.5
 7 Montijo              57164  30900     54.1
 8 Seixal              120747  63070     52.2
 9 Sintra              237445 123408     52.0
10 Oeiras              134862  66972     49.7
11 Almada              105841  49012     46.3
12 Loures              132310  60478     45.7
13 Barreiro             52962  24160     45.6
14 Odivelas             93709  39151     41.8
15 Vila Franca de Xira 115152  47201     41.0
16 Moita                51040  17394     34.1
17 Amadora             117727  33818     28.7
18 Lisboa              280079  69038     24.6

5.9 Other dplyr functions

You can explore other dplyr functions and variations to manipulate data in the dplyr cheat sheet:

Take a particular attention to pivot_wider and pivot_longer (tidyr package) to transform OD matrices in wide and long formats.

OD matrix in long format
Origins Destinations Trips
A B 20
A C 45
B A 10
C C 5
C A 30
OD matrix in wide format
Trips A B C
A NA 20 45
B 10 NA NA
C 30 NA 5

  1. This dataset includes the number of trips with origin in each neighborhood, divided by mode of transport, and inter or intra municipal trips.↩︎

  2. You can change this in RStudio > Tools > Global Options > Code.↩︎