2  Software


R Félix

In this chapter we will guide you through the installation of R, RStudio and the packages you will need for this course.

R and RStudio1 are separate downloads.

2.1 R

R or R stats (how it is also known) is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

The download links live at The Comprehensive R Archive Network (aka CRAN). The most recent version is 4.4.1, but you can use >= 4.1.x if you already have it installed.

After this installation, you don’t need to open R base. Please proceed to install RStudio.

2.2 RStudio

RStudio Desktop is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.

RStudio is available for free download from Posit RStudio.

2.3 R packages

You will need to install some packages to work with the data and scripts in this course.

You can install them in RStudio by searching for them in the Packages tab:

or by running the following code in the console:



install.packages(c("remotes", "devtools", "usethis"))

2.4 rticles

You can install and use rticles from CRAN as follows:


See chapter 3 to setup an rticle template.

2.5 tinytex

To be able to export your Rmakdown document to a pdf file, you will need a LaTeX processor. tinytex is a low weight R package with the most used features of LaTeX that you can use with R.

# you need to run both lines

To use some LaTeX packages, you also need to install some tlmgr packages. Here is a list of the most common ones.

tinytex::tlmgr_install(c("algorithmicx", "algorithms", "amscls", "amsfonts", "amsmath", "apacite", "appendix", "atbegshi", "atveryend", "auxhook", "babel", "bibtex", "bigintcalc", "bitset", "booktabs", "cm", "colortbl", "ctablestack", "dehyph", "dvipdfmx", "dvips", "ec", "epstopdf-pkg", "etex", "etexcmds", "etoolbox", "euenc", "everyshi", "fancyvrb", "filehook", "firstaid", "float", "fontspec", "framed", "geometry", "gettitlestring", "glyphlist", "graphics", "graphics-cfg", "graphics-def", "helvetic", "hycolor", "hyperref", "hyph-utf8", "hyphen-base", "iftex", "inconsolata", "infwarerr", "intcalc", "jknapltx", "knuth-lib", "kpathsea", "kvdefinekeys", "kvoptions", "kvsetkeys", "l3backend", "l3kernel", "l3packages", "latex", "latex-amsmath-dev", "latex-bin", "latex-fonts", "latex-tools-dev", "latexconfig", "latexmk", "letltxmacro", "listings", "lm", "lm-math", "ltxcmds", "lua-alt-getopt", "lua-uni-algos", "luahbtex", "lualatex-math", "lualibs", "luaotfload", "luatex", "luatexbase", "makecell", "mdwtools", "metafont", "mfware", "modes", "multirow", "natbib", "ncctools", "pdfescape", "pdflscape", "pdftex", "pdftexcmds", "plain", "psnfss", "refcount", "rerunfilecheck", "rsfs", "scheme-infraonly", "selnolig", "setspace", "siunitx", "stringenc", "sttools", "symbol", "tex", "tex-ini-files", "texlive-scripts", "texlive.infra", "threeparttable", "threeparttablex", "times", "tipa", "tools", "trimspaces", "ulem", "unicode-data", "unicode-math", "uniquecounter", "url", "varwidth", "vruler", "wrapfig", "xcolor", "xetex", "xetexconfig", "xkeyval", "xunicode", "zapfding"))

tinytex::tlmgr_update() # updates all latex pkgs

This may take a bit longer for the first time.

2.6 Word count addin

This R package is an RStudio addin to count words and characters in text in an R markdown document. It also has a function to compute readability statistics so you can get an indication of how easy or difficult your document is to read.

Install with:

                         type = "source", dependencies = TRUE)

Close and reopen RStudio so the WordCountAddin should be available under Addins.

2.7 Zotero

Zotero is a free reference and bibliography manager, just like Mendley and others.

You can use Zotero to organize your papers, and to create automatic in-line citations and references.

To download, please visit https://www.zotero.org/download/ and select your operating system.

You may need to register for a free account at https://www.zotero.org/user/register

2.7.1 Shared libraries

An interest thing in Zotero is that you can share a bibliography collection with others, for instance your research group or lab, and even those collections can be divided in sub-folders. And in that case, you can benefit from the readings of your colleagues.

See the U-Shift Zotero collection, for instance.:

Keep in mind that automatic fields of references may need some adjustments. Always double check if the fields seem to be correct.

  1. We will use RStudio, although if you already use other studio such as VScode, that’s also fine.↩︎