An open-source tool to identify complex areas for street space reallocation
Space is limited, and there is competition 🚶♂️🚗🚲🚌🎍
Growing need for more sustainable, efficient, and equitable space distribution
Challenge of reallocating street space, dynamically over time
A process to select the cell locations that meet a set o criteria for a given city or neighbourhood where the street space is more disputed.
Using point and click software to fetch and process data…
This is fine for a single case study 😀
But what it you want to replicate the exactly same process for 400 other locations? 🤯
SiteSelection aims to identify complex areas suitable for street space reallocation.
GIS tools: methods to process existing geo-data and classify areas based on key metrics like road network centrality, population density, and public transport frequency.
Data Sources: open data such as OpenStreetMap road network and POIs, Census data, GTFS for public transport, administrative areas
Open-source tool: an R
package 📦
Returns a ranked list of complex areas based on their need for space reallocation (0 - no complexity, 6 - very complex)
degree_min = mean # mean or median? default: mean
betweeness_range = 0.40 # percentile to exclude (upper and lower) default: 0.25
closeness_range = 0.25 # percentile to exclude (upper and lower) default: 0.25
population_min = median # mean or median? default: mean
entropy_min = 0.35 # value to exclude (lower) default: 0.5
freq_bus = c(4, 10, 20) # frequency of bus stops to define level of service
For different contexts, we can have different cut thresholds… Under assessment
file with the area of interestKeep track of your analysis and export results
Modify a network parameter
Modify the grid type or resolution
Other case study
Each function can standalone in the package
, clean_osm()
contributions are welcome!
Rosa Félix -
This work is part of Streets4All Project, developed at the University of Lisbon and at the University of Coimbra, and funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/ECI-TRA/3120/2021).
This work is part of the research activity carried out at Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CERIS) and has been funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal in the framework of project UIDB/04625/2020, project PTDC/ECI-TRA/3120/2021, and project 2022,07909,CEECIND/CP1713/CT0017.
The concept is based on:
22nd GET meeting, Alcobaça 2025